
During my Ph.D., I mostly focused on the statistical analysis, design, and robustness issues of continuous-time system identification algorithms. I have also worked on finite-sample analysis of system identification methods, non-parametric system identification, control over networks, and Riccati equations. Lately, I have been interested in the design and analysis of identification methods for event-triggered systems, as well as tools for estimating additive/modal models, with applications in the high-tech precision industry.

If you are interested in the latest pdf version of any of the manuscripts that are mentioned here, please send me an e-mail. I am happy to discuss any topic!

Journal Publications

[J17] Sampling in Parametric and Nonparametric System Identification: Aliasing, Input Conditions, and Consistency
Rodrigo A. González, Max van Haren, Tom Oomen and Cristian R. Rojas
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024

[J16] Identification of Additive Continuous-time Systems in Open and Closed-loop
Rodrigo A. González, Koen Classens, Cristian R. Rojas, James S. Welsh and Tom Oomen
Automatica, 2024

[J15] Statistical Analysis of Block Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Linear Continuous-time System Identification
Rodrigo A. González, Koen Classens, Cristian R. Rojas, James S. Welsh and Tom Oomen
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024

[J14] Consistency analysis of refined instrumental variable methods for continuous-time system identification in closed-loop
Rodrigo A. González, Siqi Pan, Cristian R. Rojas and James S. Welsh
Automatica, 2024

[J13] Identification of Wiener State-Space Models utilizing Gaussian Sum Smoothing
Angel L. Cedeño, Rodrigo A. González, Rodrigo Carvajal and Juan C. Agüero
Automatica, 2024

[J12] Kernel-based identification using Lebesgue-sampled data
Rodrigo A. González, Koen Tiels and Tom Oomen
Automatica, 2024

[J11] On the Relation between Discrete and Continuous-time Refined Instrumental Variable Methods
Rodrigo A. González, Cristian R. Rojas, Siqi Pan and James S. Welsh
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023

[J10] On Filtering and Smoothing algorithms for Linear State-Space Models Having Quantized Output Data
Angel L. Cedeño, Rodrigo A. González, Boris I. Godoy, Rodrigo Carvajal and Juan C. Agüero
Mathematics, 2023

[J9] Consistency Analysis and Bias Elimination of the Instrumental Variable Based State Variable Filter Method
Siqi Pan, James S. Welsh, Rodrigo A. González and Cristian R. Rojas
Automatica, 2022

[J8] Refined instrumental variable methods for unstable continuous-time systems in closed-loop
Rodrigo A. González, Cristian R. Rojas, Siqi Pan and James S. Welsh
International Journal of Control, 2022

[J7] Theoretical and practical aspects of the convergence of the SRIVC estimator for over-parameterized models
Rodrigo A. González, Cristian R. Rojas, Siqi Pan and James S. Welsh
Automatica, 2022

[J6] Consistent identification of continuous-time systems under multisine input signal excitation
Rodrigo A. González, Cristian R. Rojas, Siqi Pan and James S. Welsh
Automatica, 2021

[J5] Efficiency Analysis of the Simplified Refined Instrumental Variable Method for Continuous-time Systems
Siqi Pan, James S. Welsh, Rodrigo A. González and Cristian R. Rojas
Automatica, 2020

[J4] Consistency Analysis of the Simplified Refined Instrumental Variable Method for Continuous-time Systems
Siqi Pan, Rodrigo A. González, James S. Welsh and Cristian R. Rojas
Automatica, 2019

[J3] On the existence of a stabilizing solution of Modified Algebraic Riccati Equations in terms of standard Algebraic Riccati Equations and Linear Matrix Inequalities
Francisco J. Vargas and Rodrigo A. González
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2019

[J2] Mean square stabilization over MIMO SNR-Constrained channels with colored and spatially correlated additive noises
Rodrigo A. González, Francisco J. Vargas and Jie Chen
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2019

[J1] Optimal enforcement of causality in non-parametric transfer function estimation
Rodrigo A. González, Patricio E. Valenzuela, Cristian R. Rojas, Ricardo A. Rojas
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2017

Peer-reviewed Conference Publications

[C16] Grey-box Recursive Parameter Identification of a Nonlinear Dynamic Model for Mineral Flotation
Rodrigo A. González and Paulina Quintanilla
10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Valletta, Malta, July 2024

[C15] Gaussian sum filtering for Wiener state-space models with a class of non-monotonic piecewise nonlinearities
Angel L. Cedeño, Rodrigo A. González and Juan C. Agüero
20th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Boston, USA, July 2024

[C14] Parametric Continuous-Time Blind System Identification
Augustus Elton, Rodrigo A. González, James S. Welsh, Cristian R. Rojas and Minyue Fu
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, December 2023

[C13] Nonlinear Bayesian Identification for Motor Commutation: Applied to Switched Reluctance Motors
Max van Meer, Rodrigo A. González, Gert Witvoet and Tom Oomen
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, December 2023

[C12] Blind non-parametric estimation of SISO continuous-time systems
Augustus Elton, Rodrigo A. González, James S. Welsh, Tom Oomen and Cristian R. Rojas
22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023

[C11] Parsimonious identification of continuous-time systems: A block-coordinate descent approach
Rodrigo A. González, Cristian R. Rojas, Siqi Pan and James S. Welsh
22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023

[C10] Identifying Lebesgue-sampled continuous-time impulse response models: A kernel-based approach
Rodrigo A. González, Koen Tiels and Tom Oomen
22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023

[C9] An EM algorithm for Lebesgue-sampled state-space continuous-time system identification
Rodrigo A. González, Angel L. Cedeño, María Coronel, Juan C. Agüero and Cristian R. Rojas
22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023

[C8] The SRIVC algorithm for continuous-time system identification with arbitrary input excitation in open and closed loop
Rodrigo A. González, Cristian R. Rojas, Siqi Pan and James S. Welsh
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, Texas, USA, December 2021

[C7] Non-causal regularized least-squares for continuous-time system identification with band-limited input excitations
Rodrigo A. González, Cristian R. Rojas and Håkan Hjalmarsson
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, Texas, USA, December 2021

[C6] A Finite-Sample Deviation Bound for Stable Autoregressive Processes
Rodrigo A. González and Cristian R. Rojas
2nd conference on Learning for Decision and Control (L4DC), Berkeley, USA, 2020

[C5] Enforcing stability through ellipsoidal inner approximations in the indirect approach for continuous-time system identification
Rodrigo A. González, James S. Welsh and Cristian R. Rojas
21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, July 2020

[C4] Finite sample deviation and variance bounds for first order autoregressive processes
Rodrigo A. González and Cristian R. Rojas
45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, May 2020

[C3] An asymptotically optimal indirect approach to continuous-time system identification
Rodrigo A. González, James S. Welsh and Cristian R. Rojas
57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, USA, December 2018

[C2] A fully Bayesian approach to kernel-based regularization for impulse response estimation
Rodrigo A. González and Cristian R. Rojas
18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Stockholm, Sweden, July 2018

[C1] Stabilization of MIMO systems over additive correlated noise channels subject to multiple SNR-constraints
Rodrigo A. González, Francisco J. Vargas and Jie Chen
16th European Control Conference (ECC), Limassol, Cyprus, June 2018

Submitted Journal papers

[SJ4] Identification of additive multivariable continuous-time systems
Maarten van der Hulst, Rodrigo A. González, Koen Classens, Nick Dirkx, Jeroen van de Wijdeven and Tom Oomen

[SJ3] Data-enabled iterative learning control: A zero-sum game design for varying time-scale tasks
Zhihe Zhuang, Rodrigo A. González, Hongfeng Tao, Wojciech Paszke and Tom Oomen

[SJ2] Recursive Identification of Structured Systems: An Instrumental-Variable Approach Applied to Mechanical Systems
Koen Classens, Rodrigo A. González and Tom Oomen

[SJ1] The Quadrature Gaussian Sum Filter and Smoother for Wiener Systems
Angel L. Cedeño, Rodrigo A. González and Juan C. Agüero

Submitted Conference papers

[SC3] Frequency domain identification for multivariable motion control systems: Applied to a prototype wafer stage
Maarten van der Hulst, Rodrigo A. González, Koen Classens, Paul Tacx, Nic Dirkx, Jeroen van de Wijdeven and Tom Oomen

[SC2] Motion control tuning for time-delayed systems with integral action
Giulia Sonzogni, Rodrigo A. González, Koen Tiels, Mirko Mazzoleni, Tom Oomen, Fabio Previdi

[SC1] Truncated Gaussian Noise Estimation in Nonlinear State-Space Models
Rodrigo A. González, Angel L. Cedeño, Koen Tiels and Tom Oomen

Non-peer-reviewed Presentations and Posters

[P21] Implications of undersampling in system identification
Rodrigo A. González, Max van Haren, Tom Oomen and Cristian R. Rojas
Oral presentation at the 44th Benelux meeting on Systems and Control, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, March 18-20, 2025

[P20] Modal Identification for Multivariable Motion Systems: Applied to a Prototype Wafer-Stage
Maarten van der Hulst, Rodrigo A. González, Koen Classens, Paul Tacx, Nic Dirkx, Jeroen van de Wijdeven and Tom Oomen
Oral presentation at the 44th Benelux meeting on Systems and Control, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, March 18-20, 2025

[P19] Modified Smith Predictor for integrative and delayed time systems
Giulia Sonzogni, Mirko Mazzoleni, Fabio Previdi, Rodrigo A. González, Koen Tiels and Tom Oomen
Oral presentation at the 44th Benelux meeting on Systems and Control, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, March 18-20, 2025

[P18] Finite sample MIMO identification with multisine excitation: nonparametric, direct, and two-step parametric estimators
Rodrigo A. González
Oral presentation to the Cyber-Physical Systems Group of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland, March 7, 2025

[P17] Identification of Modal MIMO Systems for High-precision Mechatronics (in Spanish)
Rodrigo A. González, Maarten van der Hulst, Koen Classens and Tom Oomen
Oral presentation at the third Symposium on Identification, Control and Applications at UTFSM, Valparaíso, Chile, January 2025

[P16] Estimation and Control of Switched Reluctance Motors
Max van Meer, Rodrigo A. González, Gert Witvoet and Tom Oomen
Poster presentation at SIC: Precision Motion Systems & Control, s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, November 12–13, 2024

[P15] Modal Identification for Multivariable Motion Systems
Maarten van der Hulst, Koen Classens, Rodrigo A. González, Nic Dirkx, Jeroen van de Wijdeven and Tom Oomen
Poster presentation at SIC: Precision Motion Systems & Control, s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, November 12–13, 2024

[P14] Statistically-Optimal Modal MIMO Identification for High-Tech Motion Systems
Rodrigo A. González, Koen Classens, Maarten van der Hulst and Tom Oomen
Oral presentation at the ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Venice, Italy, September 2024

[P13] Additive Continuous-time Identification: With Application to Modal Mechanical Systems
Rodrigo A. González, Koen Classens, Cristian R. Rojas, James S. Welsh and Tom Oomen
Oral presentation at the 43rd Benelux meeting on Systems and Control, Blankenberge, Belgium, March 26-28, 2024

[P12] Additive Continuous-time Identification: With Application to Modal Mechanical Systems (in Spanish)
Rodrigo A. González, Koen Classens, Cristian R. Rojas, James S. Welsh and Tom Oomen
Oral presentation at the second Symposium on Identification, Control and Applications at UTFSM, Valparaíso, Chile, January 2024

[P11] Control variates for multivariate truncated probability density functions with application in system identification
K. Tiels, Rodrigo A. González and T. Oomen
Poster ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2023

[P10] Identification of Linear State-Space Models Subject to Truncated Gaussian Disturbances
Rodrigo A. González, Angel L. Cedeño, K. Tiels and T. Oomen
Poster ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2023

[P9] Learning in Machines: From Data to Models, Control Performance, and Monitoring
Tom Oomen, Leontine Aarnoudse, Lennart Blanken, Koen Classens, Mathyn van Dael, Nic Dirkx, Rodrigo A. González, Max van Haren, Johan Kon, Max van Meer, Maurice Poot, Paul Tacx, Koen Tiels and Gert Witvoet
First JSPS-NWO Seminar Research Network on Learning in Machines: New Perspectives for Future Nanoscale Production, July 3-7, 2023 Tokyo, Japan

[P8] Non-parametric continuous-time system identification with Lebesgue-sampled output measurements
Rodrigo A. González, Koen Tiels and Tom Oomen
Oral presentation at the 42nd Benelux meeting on Systems and Control, March 21-23, 2023, Elspeet, The Netherlands

[P7] Non-parametric Identification of Lebesgue-sampled Continuous-time Systems (in Spanish)
Rodrigo A. González, , Koen Tiels and Tom Oomen
Oral presentation at the first Symposium on Identification, Control and Applications at UTFSM, January 2023, Valparaíso, Chile

[P6] Identification of continuous-time systems utilizing Lebesgue-sampled data
Rodrigo A. González, Angel L. Cedeño, María Coronel, Juan C. Agüero and Cristian R. Rojas
Poster ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Leuven, Belgium, September 2022

[P5] Non-causal regularized least-squares for continuous-time system identification with band-limited input excitations
Rodrigo A. González, Cristian R. Rojas and Håkan Hjalmarsson
Poster ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, online, September 2021

[P4] An asymptotically optimal indirect approach to continuous-time system identification
Rodrigo A. González, James S. Welsh and Cristian R. Rojas
Oral presentation in internal seminar series, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, December 2019

[P3] Consistency of the Simplified Refined Instrumental Variable Method for Continuous-time Systems: Analysis and Design
Rodrigo A. González, Siqi Pan, Cristian R. Rojas and James S. Welsh
Poster ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Maastricht, Netherlands, September 2019

[P2] An asymptotically optimal indirect approach to continuous-time system identification
Rodrigo A. González, James S. Welsh and Cristian R. Rojas
Poster ERNSI Workshop in System Identification, Cambridge, U.K., September 2018

[P1] An asymptotically optimal indirect approach to continuous-time system identification
Rodrigo A. González, James S. Welsh and Cristian R. Rojas
Oral presentation Swedish Control Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2018

Theses and Books

[T3]Continuous-time System Identification: Refined Instrumental Variables and Sampling Assumptions
Rodrigo A. González
Ph.D. Thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2022

[T2]Consistency and efficiency in continuous-time system identification
Rodrigo A. González
Licentiate Thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2020

[B1]Exercise Compendium of Linear Systems Analysis (in Spanish)
Rodrigo A. González
Exercise book , Stockholm, Sweden, July 2019

[T1]Enforcement of Causality and Passivity in Spectral Analysis (in Spanish)
Rodrigo A. González
MSc Thesis, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile, November 2016